Linux Professional Institute Linux Essentials

The Linux Essentials Professional Development Certificate, the only certificate of the Linux Professional Institute, also serves as ideal preparation for the advanced LPIC Professional Certification Program for Linux system administrators.

Current version:
1.6 (Exam code 010)
Bestehen der Prüfung Linux Essentials 010
There are no prerequisites for this certificate
English, German, Japanese, Portuguese-Brazilian.
20% increase in bonus pay for LPIC-1 Certified Linux Administrators
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The Foote Partners report IT Skills and Certification Index, 2013
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The Foote Partners report IT Skills and Certification Index, 2013

To get the Linux Essentials certificate you have to pass the exam LPI-010

With the LPI there is no guesswork what is in the exam. Our learning objectives show you which topics you can expect in the exams and their relative importance. Regardless of which learning materials you choose to prepare for your LPI exams, reviewing each learning objective should be at the heart of any curriculum.

To obtain the Linux Essentials Professional Development Certificate, the candidate must have the following knowledge:

  • Understanding the Linux and Open Source industry and understanding the most popular Open Source applications
  • Understanding the main components of the Linux operating system and technical knowledge for working with the Linux command line
  • Basic knowledge of security and administration-related topics such as user/group administration, command-line work, and permissions

LPI LE 010 Exam Topics
  • The Linux community and a career in open source
  • Finding your way on a Linux system
  • The power of the command line
  • The Linux operating system
  • Security and file permissions